Happy Father's Day

We had a nice day yesterday celebrating dad. We are so lucky to have such a great dad in our life. We love you Chris!

Earlier this week I took the boys to paint a mug for Father's Day, they also got to paint little animals for themselves. They had a great time and everything turned out cute.

Yesterday, Chris took the boys on a great hike. He enjoyed breakfast and coffee from a masterpiece hand painted mug. And enjoyed lounging and watching golf. Good day.

Joy Banner

Joy Banner
Amy E, coworker, is making these darling Joy Banners for Christmas gifts.  I think this is a fun project and would love to make one of my own.  I am trying to figure out how to link all of these "make" posts together on a separate page.  I have made a "MAKE" page but it seems I can add this post to that link. Anyone with tips?

15 year Anniversary

Today is our 15 year wedding anniversary. Yeah us!!! It's amazing how quickly the time has past and how much life has been lived in the past 15 years. We have been so very blessed. It has really been fabulous and I am looking forward to more forever with Chris.

We spent the evening last night looking through our wedding photos with the boys. It was enlightening to see our wedding through their eyes. They were really interested in how young we looked (ha!) and also made a few random comments I thought were worth sharing.

"Whoa, Grandpa's mustache was huge!"
"Grandma & Grandpa used to have a pool? No fair!"
"Who's that guy?" (seriously, this was said about 100 times in reference to Geoff, Beau, Uncle Loren, Grandpa Walker, Uncle Tom, etc. everyone looked so different 15 years ago)
"You all looked kinda like hippies" (reference to Jen, Gabe, Heather, Emily, Chris & I)
"How come dad's hair was so long?"
"Where are Grandma's wrinkles" (I won't tell you which Grandma was referenced)

It was a hilarious night spent reminiscing. I thought I'd share two of the many photos with you. Thumbs up cheesy. Check out the puffy sleeves (it was 1996 people!), young siblings, and long hair!

We didn't get a chance to celebrate tonight because Chris left for LA. Many of you may not know but he is starting a PHD program at Pepperdine in organizational leadership. This is a fabulous opportunity for him as his work will be flexible with the time commitment that is required over the next three years. The program is remote based and so he will be required to travel to LA every other month and spend 4-5 days immersed in coursework. He is excited and I am excited for him.

Happy Anniversary Chris - Love you TONS!

Crazy Creative!!!

My good friend Paula recently started a new career venture. You can follow her musings at her blog. I did want to share with you all that that she is crazy creative, I am talking nuts! She makes these fabulous ironing board covers (and other things) and sells on her etsy shop. I own own and I also bought one and gave to mom last mother's day. Mom can vouch for the quality and loves her cover too! I hope she doesn't mind but I took one of photos off of her etsy site to share. So buy one if you are interested - they are awesome and really dress up a nasty task. Chris can vouch for that.

Also Paula has two other etsy shops one for vintage finds and another for additional handmade goodies. Check these out often too.

I love Miss Paula and wish her enormous luck and good fortune on this new adventure. If I am lucky she may invite me over one night to craft or garage sale with her on a Saturday.