Decorating the house

We have been in our new house for over a year. We really love our house but it is lacking in showcasing our personality. Bit by bit we are tackling it.

Over the Christmas break Chris took on finishing painting over the yellow with the color CABO (we started the huge project in October). The previous owners apparently loved pastels, so much so that every room in the house is painted different candy color. Great colors for candy and sherbets, not such great colors for our house. The main house color was banana yellow. I do like yellow, but after a year the bright yellow became really obnoxious. You all know it must of been pretty bad if Chris initiated finishing the painting. While I worked over Christmas, he painted. I was able to help in the evenings after Nicholas went to bed. With the two of us it took almost 4 full days (Chris full time) to paint the dining/office, living room, 25 foot entry way, staircase heading upstairs and the entire upstairs hallways. We had to rent an extension ladder to get the entry way and it was pretty sketchy area to paint. It turned out beautiful and it's amazing to me how much difference color can make. I love it, thank you Chris!

We hung all of pictures and mirrors up again, our art and photos looks so much better with this color behind them. This shot is of the body length mirror at the end of our entry way hall. I added a few chocolate wall decor flowers available from Stampin' Up!, if you are interested.

Next project is updating light fixtures. The Dining table light is tackled. Now I am on the look out for an entry way light.

Many expression of Nicholas - month 7

We have approached another month. Nicholas is now 7 months old. I am amazed how fast each month is flying by. It's bittersweet.

This past month Nicholas got his first two teeth. They appeared a few days before Christmas. He has spent most of the past few weeks sucking in on his bottom lip, I think it makes his bottom gum feel a bit better.

Nick is loving table food and has moved onto breads and yogurt. His pincher fingers are not quite working yet, so he leans towards my fingers with his mouth ready to receive little bits of bread. He loves spaghetti and I have found that it grinds up nicely in the food processor.

Nicholas is getting stronger by the day. His desire for mobility is evident. Last night he had turned himself 180 degrees in his crib. I woke to find him smiling back at me from a different direction. When he sits he rocks forward and tries to move forward. He has face planted it a couple of times but no tears, just startled. No crawling yet but movement for sure. His strength has allowed us to loose the baby bathtub (yeah, one less piece of baby gear). He can sit just fine in the tub and loves to splash.

His hair is longer and needs a cut. I must put a leave in conditioner on his hair every night or he wakes up with a major rats nest in the morning.

He loves his brothers and Lucy (our Dog). His face lights up and gets extremely excited whenever any of them enter a room. He is so much fun to be around. We love to cuddle and hug him, maybe too much. We are so lucky!!!