Lego mania!

Benjamin love legos!!! He enjoys reading the step by step instructions, finding the pieces and assembling. One of his Christmas gifts was a large pack of space legos. Last night he set to work assembling and this afternoon he finished. He is quite proud of his creations, this is the largest lego project he has completed.

Christmas Morning

The boys had a fabulous Christmas. They received some great gifts and were very excited to watch and help Nicholas open his presents. Nicholas was thrilled and entertained with the wrapping paper and enjoyed tasting all of the new toys. The best part is the morning started at 7:30. Whew, not too early.

We hope you all had a wonderful day. Merry Christmas!!!

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas eve up and Geoff and Ky's house. We had a wonderful dinner and were able to visit with family. Tradition serves and all the boys got to open a present on Christmas eve, a new pair of pajamas! It apparent Kylene and I shop at the same store for our baby jammies (costso).