Oh Brother! It's hard to be a brother...

Sometimes it sure is hard to be a brother, a little brother, an older brother, a middle brother.  The older boys are such great big brothers but sometimes it can be annoying to chase around a toddler.  I know this feeling all too well.  We must enjoy this phase because it will end, but it is hard to always enjoy this phase.

I recently discovered this photo taken from our last baseball tournament in Vegas.  This picture is a classic!  Nicholas (classic fake crying expression) wants to do something that Ben doesn't want him to do.  Ben (classic annoyance expression) is grudgingly following him and ultimately doing what Nicholas wants.  HILARIOUS and so very well documents our life right now.

LOVE these boys!!!

Another soccer win!

Ben scored another goal! More wins for the gladiators. This season is wrapping up and fall tryouts will be here soon.

It seems I don't take game photos with my phone, but I do take park photos. Nicholas loves the games because he knows there will be a park close by.

Every game is has a 45 minute warmup. Nic and I take this time to chill (literally) at the park. Monday night we had a great game of hide and seek. Love this silly boy!

Breadsticks, sprinklers & sports

Another full & fun weekend! Andrew had a baseball tournament (4 games), Ben had a soccer party, and Chris took both boys to a REAL game. They had a blast!

Nic and I made breadsticks for Ben's soccer party. Hit the playground hard before the baseball games and enjoyed outdoor time at the games. While I wore sunscreen I still broke out in sun hives on my upper chest and tops of feet. Stinking sun allergy!

Nic is napping, just not when and where I want him too.

I've been hardening off my plants and Saturday night I forgot to bring them indoors. I freaked out a little bit. I think they'll be ok, a little worse for the wear but survived. I'm a gardening loser!

Somehow we fit in turning on the sprinklers, a little yard work and bike riding.

This family is ready to keep the warmer weather.

Science fair

UPDATE: Ben and team received an honorable mention. WTG!

The Science fair was yesterday. Ben did a great job and we are so proud of all the work he did. Go Ben!