Many expressions of Nicholas - month 11

This post is much delayed. In just five days Nicholas will be a year old. But... I still have time to do an eleven month post. I took these photos on his 11 month birthday. So let's pretend it's 3 weeks ago.

Nicholas is 11 months old!!! Time continues to fly. Much happened in the last month or so. Nicholas have tubes put into his ears. His hearing and health are much improved. We took a family trip to Orlando and Nicholas handled both flights, the beach, tons of new family and 3 amusement parks really well. He is a travel trooper!

Nicholas can walk. And Run! It started with 3 steps, and then 5 and then 11 and then full fledged walking. The boys helped keep track of his steps and by the time he hit 18 we figured why count anymore. This baby can walk. And dance. He loves to shake his booty to singing and anything that resembles music.

We have 4 recognizable words. Ball (ba), dad (da), mom (ma), dog (daa). Dog kind of sounds like dad but somehow we know the difference.

As his personality develops so does his behavior. He likes to hit Benjamin in the face. Funny at first, now we must stop him or teach him to be soft. Andrew's glasses are a constant fascination. Nicholas' mighty grip has bent them twice.

He loves the outdoors, grass, ball games and trampolines.

It's hard to believe he will be a year old this Friday. Everyday is a blessing! So lucky.

Many expressions of Nicholas - month 8

This post is about a week overdue. Nicholas is now 8 months and 1 week. I snapped these photos of him last week but did not have a chance to edit or post them until now.

This past month Nicholas' two teeth continue to grow in. While his gums are swollen we have not had any sighting of more teeth. He has the most darling smile and likes to squint when he smiles.

He had his first haircut, see earlier post. And is in need of another trim.

He can now pinch and pick up bits of food with his index finger and thumb. He loves to feed himself. He loves bananas, spaghetti and oatmeal. He weighs 22 lbs.

He is such a happy and quiet baby. One evening this past week he had a unusually fussy night. When I grabbed him from the crib in the morning I noticed there was a bit of blood in the crib and around his ear. I suspected an ear infection but he had not been complaining or fussy, with exception of the night before. I took him in to the doctor to confirm that he had an ear infection. This is his second ear infection. We are treating him with bubblegum flavored antibiotics, which he loves. He sucks it out of the syringe.

Nicholas is mobile. He is not quite crawling but has figured out how to move with a seated scoot. He is also great at moving backwards on his belly. He can easily get himself in the crawling position and rocks back and forth. He can get himself into a sitting position from a laying position. I have found him sitting in his crib when he is supposed to be laying and sleeping. Today he pulled himself up by the dishwasher into a standing position and stood for exactly 1 second. He toppled over but gained control quickly. He bumps his head daily, usually on a toy, which frustrated and hurts him.

He loves to play peek-a-boo and can clap. He can wave his hand (mostly his whole arm) and waves night, night to the family before he goes to bed. He also likes to dance. His version is bouncing in a seated position when he hears music he likes. He is particular about what music he dances too...

Everyday is an absolute joy and passes too quickly. Andrew and Benjamin love to cheer with him at each of his milestones and they are very aware of when he does something new. I am constantly hearing "mom... look, Nick is doing ______"

We love watching him grow. He is the best!

Family Party

Chris went all out planning and hosting a family party for my 37th birthday. Chris made all of the food and ordered a Nothing Bundt Cake, YUM! I felt really loved. I am very lucky to have such a wonderful family. We had an awesome time. Here are a few photos from the night.

Thanks again to everyone for coming.