
Daily photos! This covers Halloween, Andrew's 13th birthday, and entering November!

We rented ski gear for Nicholas. We (Chris) are going to try to teach him to ski this year.

Andrew had a great 13th birthday. We all stayed up until midnight on the 2nd/3rd to ring in his teenager years. Happy birthday Andrew! I'll post more about his party later.

Nick and I are buddies joined at the hip. Where he goes I go and vice versa. He is very close on the potty training. We have 2-3 successful experiences daily. He no longer wants to wear a diaper and it is a huge struggle to put one on him. He just wants to be free. We went out this morning to buy big boy underpants (toy story, his choice). He is wearing them now. So far so good.

Chris has major travel this month. He returned from NH last week (another post on that later), just got back from San Antonio, and is headed back to Texas this weekend. Then off to LA for school next week. Whew!

Happy November.


Wow! Nine days worth of photos. I guess I'm a little behind on posting. October is busy, what can I say?