Happy Birthday Alex & Cam

We spent the morning at Alex and Camden's birthday parties. Beau and Nicki rented out the classic fun center for the party. The boys had a blast bouncing and playing with their cousins. Benjamin helped Logan learn to ride a scooter.

I designed some simple tags to hang on their presents. Along with a toy we gave each boy a packet of Oreos. The Oreos were a hit, better than a toy!

Happy Birthday Mom!

Mom & family

Isaac (1 week shy of 6 months)

Grandma Great & Nicholas

Ben & Logan

I am week late in posting pictures from Mom's birthday party last week. We had a great time visiting with cousins, Grandma Great, Aunt Julie and the rest of the family. It's always a good time when everyone gets together. We don't do it nearly often enough.

Mom made her own birthday blackberry dumpling cobbler (a Mahgnon recipe) and everyone gobbled it up. I grabbed the recipe to try it when I eventually get a blackberry crop.

Mom enjoyed a few presents and the grand kids were happy to watch her open them We love you MOM! Happy Birthday.

Shower openhouse

This post is a little belated... I guess I have been a bit busy preparing for this new little one.

A couple of weeks ago, Mom and Kylene threw us a baby shower open house up Ogden. They did such a cute job with all the decor and food. They handmade all the invites and made these cute sewn baby diaper party favors. Geoff even got in the game and help make the "it's a boy" banner. I appreciate how much work and effort they put into this open house.

It was really nice to catch up with family and friends that I have not seen in ages. It was such a treat to visit with everyone, and when it was over I was sad to see them all go. I am constantly amazed at the generosity our loved ones have shown us. We are officially all set for the new baby!

Chris and I spent yesterday putting away and assembling the last of the baby equipment (swings, nap shacks, clothing and toys). The baby gear these days is much fancier than it was ten years ago, and much simpler to put together. Geoff, Ky, Logan and Isaac came by and we were able to test all the gear on Issac. Works perfectly!

We are scheduled for an induction on Wednesday, May 26, arriving at the hospital around 11. I am curious how long this labor will take in comparison to Andrew (34 hours) and Benjamin (11 hours). I hope quickly but we'll see. Long or short we will have a sweet new baby next week sometime. We are excited.

The boys with Isaac

We ended up in Ogden last night and got a chance to catch up with Geoff, Ky, Logan and baby Isaac. We are so excited for them. The boys took turns all evening holding Isaac and were amazed that he would not wake up. He is so perfect and it made us all very excited for what is to come.

Logan was really sweet with his new brother, touching him softly and pointing out all of Isaac's body parts. He'll be a great big brother.

Afterward we drove downtown and had a late dinner at La Ferrovia (Italian on historic 25th street). To us the food is still as yummy as it always was. It made us miss Ogden and simpler times. It's hard to believe it's been almost 7 years since we moved.